Your Support Is Their Success
Our programs and events thrive thanks to the generosity of sponsors, individuals, and businesses like you. Your support enables us to provide academic programs that empower over 500 children annually, helping them develop vital academic skills during the critical stages of cognitive development. Early educational success is a proven foundation for lifelong achievement, making your investment in our children an investment in their future- and the future of our community and state.

Our Impact Extends Beyond the Classroom
Your contributions also support our comprehensive approach to education and leadership, directly impacting our Youth Service and Leadership Programs. These initiatives are designed to help Latino youth excel in high school, succeed in college, and transition into thriving professional careers.
Building Stronger Families
In addition to transforming the lives of students, your sponsorship helps create opportunities for entire families. Through our leadership programs and enrichment events, families come together to engage in meaningful activities that promote growth, connection, and joy.

Learn About the Impact of Your Support
Your generosity fuels real, measurable change. Explore our Impact Page to see the data and stories that demonstrate how your sponsorship helps us create brighter futures for children, youth, and families.
For more information on sponsorships, please contact Development Director Ashley Lewman.
To Our 2024 Sponsors: Thank You for Believing In Our Mission to Empower Latino Families Towards Success
Charlie and Lisa Gray
Dan and Margaret Schafer
Dr. Michelle and Richard Robbins
Heidi Natkin and Gilson Sirvas
Thays Morgan
Couchman Noble Foundation
Gail and Marty
Global Payments
Ken Mead
Kirk Rich
Lora Coughlin
Lynn and Phil Moore
Mary and Sam
Robbins Ross Alloy Belinfante Littlefield, LLC
The Conlan Company
Tom MarlittCorbett
American Pacific Mortgage
Carlos Corless Attorneys at Law
Dale and Bruce Morine
Vernon Woods Dental and Implant Center
Galicia Construction
John and Tara Allen
Marcelo Cedeno
The Claypoole Family
Wolf Family
Arden Nutt
Ava Navin
Gas South
Mark Summers and Robert Rees
MartinMartinez Family
Padron Concrete LLC
Supermercado Jalisco
The Cotto Law Group